II International Congress Environment & Sustainability 2022
About ICES
International Congress Environment & Sustainability
The ICES was mentored and organized by Maria Eulaidia de Araujo, Dr. in Geography and urban planning at INSA - National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon - University of Lyon in France. Scientific Researcher, with support from CAPES-Brasil, in the field of psychology, in the field of environmental planning and human behavior. She is an educator and Master in Psychology. She is currently a researcher and consultant and organizational facilitator, in participatory methodologies and socio-environmental behavior.
ICES became a strategic action of social feedback of his doctoral research. Motivated by her experiences, experiences and researcher since 2006, through the NGO - IETC - Institute of Entrepreneurial Training and Continuing Education, in the project RETE - Recyclable Transformation Enterprises/CE- Brazil, she states that inclusion is the basis for a construction collective with social and environmental justice. Thus was born the ICES, given the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, as an environment full of transformations and care for life and the common home, on our Planet Earth.
Even starting from an individual initiative, the ICES had its identity built collectively. Since the creation of the logo, it seeks to bring reflections on the balance of the planet and brings as an identity basis the four elements of nature (water, earth, fire and air).
The event seeks an experience and experience, with the rescue that it is on the spot, the basis for the search for solutions for social and environmental transformation, but with aspirations for global change, since we are all responsible for protecting life and the environment. It is an invitation to experience a process of « acting, collective », with moments of reflection, aiming to think of participatory action strategies.
In its first edition (I International Environment & Sustainability Congress) it took place from 07/31/2020 to 08/02/2021. And it was resubmitted from 02/25/2021 to 02/28/2021. The event had the voluntary participation of national and international researchers (Brazil, France, Spain and Colombia), as well as technicians, collectors of cooperatives, professionals from different areas, entrepreneurs, involving social actors who research and live the theme of this congress , and which could contribute to improvements and advances, in a perspective of collective learning. Exchanges of research and experiences were carried out through reports, lectures, short courses and musical shows, in order to raise awareness and lead to reflections in society, on the perspectives of acting in relation to urban solid waste and its collective and participatory management.
For more information about the I ICES go to: https://eventos.congresse.me/cias
ICES 2021
The motivation of the II ICES in 2021 was born from the desire to transform this event into itself, a result of a participatory action of its first edition. In its continuation, the ICES evolves in the reinforcement of its collective identity, becoming a process of many, passing through a new moment, which we are calling « WEAVING THE ICES 2021 ». Our meetings, which started since February 2021, weekly, every Friday. Throughout the process of organizing the II ICES, we are seeking to enhance our actions and our know-how.
The II ICES is a " place " for dialogue on the main global socio-environmental issues, and the challenges faced in the face of the global health crisis, seeking to present theoretical, conceptual, methodological and instrumental proposals for territorial development based on environmental sustainability. In this sense, in 2021, the II CIAS will have as its central theme: SANITATION OF CITIES AND SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS: COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTH CRISES, guided by the dialogue of its thematic axes.
We chose to use the term sanitation for the management of solid waste and effluents. Often, it is health crises that highlight the dangers of poor sanitation, when they are not the cause. These crises sometimes trigger a critical look at the reality experienced, which opens up to changes, which we can call collective intelligence.
The II ICES meets strategic issues at the international level such as sanitation, waste management and collective intelligence in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic. objective of knowing and integrating local solutions in different regions of the planet, respecting the needs and specificities of each location.
The II ICES will be an opportunity to compare the experiences of improvement, adaptation to the current health crisis but also to other older crises, with regard to sanitation (wastewater and solid waste management) and the opportunities they can bring.
Environmental management aims to adjust human activities so that there is no degradation of the ecosystem, seeking to preserve it, through joint actions between society and government. To minimize environmental damage, concepts, practices and techniques have emerged that can provide a balanced relationship between society and the environment, seeking to preserve natural resources and protect life in all its dimensions.
From the scientific, cultural and artistic works, they are presented on the theme, in panel sessions, oral communication, workshops and cultural presentations. We believe that fostering this dialogue enables the construction of responses and results of research and community actions developed, contributing to the process of environmental education, and social-environmental behavior, whose principle is the sustainability of life and its integration between theory and practice , where scientific knowledge and popular knowledge are part of an integrated and inclusive system and the participation of all social actors involved in the socio-environmental cause.
Proposal of the II ICES
The event should allow possibilities to:
- Create an exchange of experience on the theme of sanitation, waste management and collective intelligence;
- Strengthen and articulate an international knowledge network on the subject;
- Create lines of investigation for research, cultural experiences and collective intelligence;
- Integration between all social actors.
Participating audience:
Social actors (producers, inhabitants, consumers, traders, artisans, public managers, schools, universities, etc.), involved in the process of social and environmental construction, to recreate a different model that is effective and sustainable.
II ICES Format
The second edition of the ICES will take place in a virtual way with presentations of round tables, conferences, workshops, mini courses, working groups, artistic and musical presentations.
Central theme
Sanitation of Cities and Sustainable Systems:
Collective Intelligence in Health Crises
The theme of the II CIAS will be guided by the dialogue of the following thematic axes:
Management and management of urban solid waste in times of health crisis:
Objective: to discuss the risks to health and protection of formal and informal workers (street cleaning, garbage collection, selective collection), treatment of new waste produced in series (masks, tests, vaccines: expired, packaging), etc.
Sustainable systems and new environmental dynamics and technologies:
Objective: Discuss how the implications of sustainability result in social processes and environmental changes called socio-environmental vulnerability and its challenges in times of pandemic. The urban socio-environmental vulnerability shows the heterogeneity of the impacts arising from the risks on the population (urban socioenvironmental risk and vulnerability) This excluding and segregating urban dynamic determines an increasingly vulnerable landscape, marked by the prevalence of the survival strategy that privileges practices of environmental deterioration and increased risk exposure in times of pandemic.
Sustainability, education and socio-environmental vulnerability: challenges of the pandemic
Objective: environmental problems and their relationship between nature and society generate problems and socio-environmental vulnerability, and this has worsened in times of pandemic. In this context, we must think of EE as a transversal and interdisciplinary theme, meaning the integration of knowledge that leads to thinking about sustainability from the meaningful and contextualized teaching/learning process.
Life at the center of urban management and collective intelligence:
Objective: to present the environmental consequences of urban and population growth There is a growing demand for housing, infrastructure, sanitation, health and education services, among other equipment, which has brought challenges to urban management. Therefore, the management and exploitation of resources and services in urban spaces and areas of the territory need to be discussed in an environmentally rational and balanced perspective. Collective intelligence can be the solution for social innovation of these problems, engaging the urban population to make decisions about the city and proposing new ways to connect society for the common good.
People-environment relationship and sustainability: the challenges of the pandemic:
Objective: to discuss how people think and relate to environments (natural and built), their social norms and how they shape human attitudes and actions that, in turn, alter nature. The person-environment relationship aims to improve the quality of life and environment of all living beings. It assumes that there is a mutual relationship between people and environments and that human actions can favor or prevent the conservation and preservation of the environment. By analyzing and understanding the behaviors and contexts where people are inserted, it is possible to propose strategies that aim at a sustainable way of thinking and acting.
Public policies, health and environment
Objective: to present the contributions of public policies in their implementation, evaluation and results of programs related to health and the environment, identifying the network of actors involved. Or, evaluate efficiency, effectiveness and/or effectiveness of health and environment policies, relating the proposed objectives of policies and programs with the results obtained.
Solid Waste Valuation: Circular Economy and Innovation
Objective: to discuss the contribution of energy recovery from urban solid waste to the improvement of environmental quality and to promote sustainable development and to present the valorization of solid waste as a centerpiece for innovation. solid waste, for the incorporation of technical changes in the economy and society and consequently for the competitiveness of this alternative source of energy, waste.
Integrated Events
IES is a space for discussion on the main global socio-environmental issues, such as: public policies, health, environment, innovation and environmental conservation. Know more...
The International Clean Technologies Symposium - ICTS, a biannual event, is a space for interdisciplinary discussion among scientists, professionals, educators, students and society about Clean Technologies, Environment and Sustainability related to urban and rural space. Know more...
GEDAE 2021 will take place online/live, making it possible to reach distant audiences.
In particular, it will be associated with the International Congress on Environment & Sustainability - II CIAS, organized in Brazil, which has as its main theme: “SANITATION OF CITIES AND SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS: COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE FACING HEALTH CRISES”.
This Congress allows the exchange between all social actors involved with these themes: communities, researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, startups, collectors, associations. Know more...
Adeildo Cabral da Silva Géographe Institut fédéral de l'éducation, de la science et de la technologie du Ceará - Brazil |
Alba Regina Azevedo Arana Géographie Unoeste - São Paulo - Brazil |
Aline Ferreira da Silva Doctorat en sociologie Institut Fédéral de Sergipe - IFS - Sergipe- Brazil
Ana Cecília Florêncio Moreira Diplôme en Musique – Musicien – CE - Brazil
Ana Claudia Carvalho Bezerra Professeur |
Profa. Dra. Ana Claudia Dias Ingénieur environnemental Université d'Aveiro - Portugal |
Angela Mitie Otta Kinoshita La physique Unoeste - São Paulo - Brazil |
Bárbara Xavier de Andrade Artiste et psychologue Portal da Vida - Ceará - Brazil |
Carla N. S. do Nascimento Technique de construction Résident de la communauté Bom Jardim - Ceará - Brazil |
Claudia Marcia Lyra Pato Psychologie
Custódio Luis Silva de Almeida Philosophe Université fédérale du Ceará (UFC) - Brazil |
Cássia Regina Xavier de Andrade Facilitatrice de biodance |
César Augusto Lucena da Silva Collectionneur Projet EMTRE - Projets de Transformation Recyclable - Brazil - Ceará |
Cícero Glaudiano Nascimento de Sousa Collectionneur Association Raio de Sol - Ceará - Brazil |
Davi Teixeira Pinheiro Ingénieur Civil et Production Mécanique Institut fédéral d'éducation, de science et de technologie du Ceará (IFCE) - Brazil |
Edna Verônica Gutiérrez López Designer industriel Université nationale de Colombie - Colombie |
Eline Prado Santos Feitosa Psychologue Association Brésilienne de Psychologie Environnementale et Relations Personne-Environnement (ABRAPA) - Sergipe - Brazil |
Escola EcoCirco Arte cultura e cidadania Institut Intervalo - Ceará - Brazil |
Fernanda Marques Lins Styliste modéliste
Fernando Antônio F. Leão Université fédérale de Bahia du Sud - UFSB) - BA - Brazil |
Fernando Córdova Canela Architecte Université de Guadalajara - Mexique |
Francielli Gasparotto Ingénieur agronome Université Cesumar - Unicesumar - Paraná - Brazil
Gisele Victor Batista Géographe |
Hernan Gustavo Professeur Université nationale de Colombie - Colombie |
Isabele Picada Emanuelli Vétérinaire UNICESUMAR- Paraná- Brazil |
Jane Melo Professeur |
João Batista Mendes de Souza Collectionneur Association des collectionneurs de Bom Jardim – Ceará – Brazil |
Jofran F. Borges Musicien - éducateur artistique - CE - Brazil
José Rinardo Alves Mesquita Comédien et metteur en scène Université fédérale du Ceará - Brazil |
José Q. Pinheiro Psychologue Université Fédérale de Rio Grande do Norte -UFRN - Brazil |
Prof. Dr. José Ozinaldo Alves de Sena ingénieur agronome Université d'État de Maringá - Paraná - Brazil |
Dr. João Figueiredo Post-doctorat en éducation - GEAD - Université fédérale du Ceará - UFC - Brazil. |
João Carlos Goes da Silva Institut Zéro Déchet / Composta Poço da Draga - CE – Brazil |
Karla Patricia Martins Ferreira Psychologue UNIFOR - Ceará - Brazil
Karina Signori Reccilide - Art et Education - RS - Brazil |
Laura de Aro Galera Psychologue PUC / SP - Brazil |
Letícia Keroly B. Alexandrino Architecte et urbaniste UNIFOR - Ceará - BRÉSIL |
Lillian Barros Génie Biotechnologique Centre de Recherche sur la Montagne - Institut Polytechnique de Bragança - Portugal. |
Luana Castelo Martins Océanographe UFC - Ceará - Brazil |
Luana Mourão Dias Araújo Psychologue clinicien UFC - CERÁ - Brazil |
Luana Viana Costa e SIlva Professeur Université fédérale du Ceará - Brazil |
Lúcia Helena Galvão Maya Filósofa Organização Nova Acrópole do Brazil - Distrito Federal - Brazil |
Marcia Frezza Psicologia UNIFOR - Ceará - Brazil |
Marcia R. de Morais Chaves Doutora em Engenharia Química Ameize Cosmética Natural - São Paulo - Brazil |
Maria Clevandira Dias Mota Socióloga IPC - Instituto de Permacultura do Ceará - Brazil |
Maria Eulaidia de Araujo Doutora em Geografia Planejamento e Urbanismo - INSA - Universidade de Lyon - França |
María Fernanda V. Palomeque Arquiteta e Urbanista Universidade de Guayaquil - Equador |
Maria Inês Gasparetto Higuchi Piscóloga UFAM - Amazonas - Brazil |
Marly Pereira da Cunha Fotógrafa Ceará - Brazil |
Marta Sorelia Felix de Castro Professora UFC - Ceará - Brazil |
Marta Aurélia Bezerra Jornalista Ceará - Brazil |
Mary Santos Campos Terapeuta, Profª de Yoga, Facilitadora de Biodança. CE - Brazil
Maíra Rodrigues Uliana Engenheira Agrônoma Unoeste - São Paulo - Brazil |
Michele Tajra Artista – Socióloga – CE - Brazil |
Mirian Lima da Costa Artesã/Motorista Projeto EMTRE- Empreendimentos de Transformação de Recicláveis - Ceará - Brazil |
Márcia Aparecida Andreazzi Zootecnista Unicesumar - Paraná - Brazil |
Pascale Martel Naquin Bióloga CEFREPADE - França-Lyon |
Pedro Colaneri Abi Ecab Promotor de Justiça Ministério Público de Rondônia - Brazil |
Queila Turchetto Nutricionista EspaçoUp Estética e Nutrição - Paraná - Brazil |
Rosane Marina Peralta Doutora em Bioquímica |
Ricardo Garcia Mira Psicólogo Universidade da Coruña - Espanha |
Roberta B. Nogueira Costa Comunicadora ArteVistas - CE - Brazil |
Ruana Michela Santos Cardoso Educadora Física UFS - Sergipe - Brazil |
Daniel Acosta Artista e Professor de artes visuais
Rute Grossi Milani Psicóloga Unicesumar - Paraná - Brazil |
Rúbia Carvalho Gomes Corrêa Engenheira de Alimentos UniCesumar - Paraná - Brazil |
Silas Silva Santos Juiz de Direito UNOESTE - São Paulo - Brazil
Silvana Sarti Artista visual e performer – SP – Brazil
Silvia Varela Mestre em Reiki Movimento Teia da Vida - Ceará - Brazil |
Solange Maria Bonaldo Agronôma UFMT - Mato Grosso - Brazil |
Susana de Oliveira Santana Psicóloga UFS - Sergipe - Brazil |
Sérgio Marques Costa Engenheiro Agrônomo Unicesumar - Paraná - Brazil |
Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros Engenheiro civil e ambiental USP - São Paulo - Brazil |
Tatiana Emanuelli Farmacêutica UFSM - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Tatiane Dantas Nascimento Assessora Técnica e Jurídica Consórcio Público Regional de Resíduos Sólidos do Seridó/RN - Brazil
Timothy J. Finan University of Arizona - Arizona -EUA |
Wanderlan Santos Porto Professor de FIlosofia IFS - Sergipe - Brazil |
Zenith Nara Costa Delabrida Psicóloga Universidade Federal de Sergipe - Brazil |
Profa. Dra. Zlatina Genisheva Engenheira Univesidade do Minho - Portugal |
(Brasília time - Brazil) Schedule subject to change
09/07/21 (TUESDAY)
15:00 - 15:15
BIENVENIDOS II CIAS - Maria Eulaidia de Araujo - General organizer - Brazil / France.
Musical Bienvenida - Jane Melo - Psychologist / Singer - CE - Brazil
15:15 - 15:45
GEDAE - Pascale Martel Naquin - CEFREPADE - France
SInTEL - Dr. Márcia Aparecida Andreazzi - PPGTL - UNICESUMAR - Brazil
SIMeA - Dr. Alba Regina Azevedo Arana - PPGMADREE - UNOESTE - Brazil
15:45 - 17:25
Opening conference:
Prof. Dr. Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros - University of São Paulo - Brazil.
Conference theme: Universal sanitation
Prof. Dr. Ricardo García Mira - University of A Coruña - Spain.
Conference theme: Urban solutions based on nature to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
17:25 - 17:40
Farewell of the day: Maria Eulaidia de Araujo - CE - Brazil.
Ana Cecília Moreira - “Sita Sand” - Singer and Composer - CE - Brazil.
09/08/21 (WEDNESDAY)
08:50 - 09:00
Musical welcome / Cordel - Barbara Xavier
09:00 - 12:00
Promote ecological sanitation in areas under development or in crisis?
Mediators: Rémy Bayard and Florent Brun
09:00 - 09:10
Welcome to GEDAE participants
09:10 - 10:00
Opening conference:
Theme: The challenges of sanitation in developing countries and in crisis and ecological sanitation.
Paul COTTAVOZ, Specialist in Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (EAH) in a humanitarian context and President of the Ecocentro Pierre et Terre - France.
Theme: The place of the socio-anthropological focus in Water, Sanitation, Hygiene projects - France.
Florence CHATOT Groupe URD - Responsible for research, evaluation and training – France
10:00 - 10:45
11:00 - 12:00
Exchange of experiences:
Presentation of ponents
Theme: Urban dry toilets in developed countries. Exchange of experiences in FUMAINERIE - France.
Theme: Dry toilets with organic waste under control in southern countries: exchange of experiences on pilot ecological sanitation projects in Haiti and their implementation.
Gaston JEAN, AOG and Universidad Quisqueya - Haiti
Theme: Participatory sanitation planning as a key to sustainability?
Rémi LOMBARD-LATUNE, research engineer at INRAE - UR REVERSAAL – France
11:00 - 12:00
Round table:
Monitoring of actors in ecological sanitation in the South and North regions.
12:00 - 12:10
12:10 - 12:30
SIMeA- PPGMADRE- Unoeste Brasil -
Conference theme: Public policies and socio-environmental protection of the Amazon in pandemic crises.
Prof. Dr. Pedro Ebi-Eçab - Public Ministry of Rondônia - Brazil.
Mediator: Silas Silva Santos - PPGMADRE - Unoeste Brasil
THEMATIC EJE II CIAS: Public policies, health and environment
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
Rule of dialogue: The legal framework for sanitation and solid waste in Brazil: challenges and solutions.
Tatiane Dantas Nascimento - Legal advisor to FEMURN - Solid Waste Consorcio of Seridó / RN and the Sanitation Consorcio of Alto Oeste Potiguar - RN - Brazil.
Experience report:
- Cícero Glaudiano Nascimento de Sousa - Collector - “Raio de Sol” Collectors Association of Genibaú - CE - Brazil.
- Mirian Lima da Costa - EMTRE Project - Recyclable Transformation Companies. Conductor and craftsman - CE - Brazil.
María Eulaidia de Araujo - Theme: Proposal for a systemic and inclusive model for urban solid waste management - CE – Brazil.
Thematic Eje: Management and Administration of urban solid waste in times of health crisis.
14:30 - 15:35
Music from Recicleide: Composting Now - Karine Signori
14:35 - 15:35
SInTeL - PPGTL - UNICESUMAR - Paraná - Brazil
Conference theme: Life cycle analysis.
Prof. Dr. Ana Claudia Dias - University of Aveiro - Portugal.
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Francielli Gasparotto
Acting sustainably:
Workshop theme: Organic Waste Recycling – “Compost Well.” (Pozo compound)
João Carlos Goes da Silva- Instituto Lixo Zero / - CE – Brazil.
15:35 - 16:05
Round Table: Domestic Waste Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic: an Environmental Psychology perspective.
Ms. Laura de Aro Alegra - PUC- SP - Brazil
Me. Eline Prado Santos Feitosa - Federal University of Sergipe – Brazil.
Thematic section: Sustainable systems and new dynamics and environmental technologies
17:50 - 19:00
Round Table: Red Iberoamericana de Collaboración en Servicios Ecosistémicos, Biodiversidad, Sostenibilidad and Vivienda: Retos and Perspectivas
Prof. Dr. Fernando Córdova Canela - University of Guadalajara - Mexico
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Castañeda Nolasco - University
Autonomous Region of Chiapas (UNACH) - Mexico
Prof. M. Davi Teixeira Pinheiro - IFCE. FEUP - Brazil / By
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Adeildo Cabral da Silva - IFCE –CE- Brazil
19:25 - 19:35
Farewell to the day and artistic-cultural reflection:
Laughter Yoga 1 - Karina Signori - Recycle art and education
09/09/21 (QUINTA-FEIRA)
THEMATIC AREA II CIAS: Life at the center of urban management and collective intelligence
08:50 - 09:00
CULTURAL MOMENT - Community Culture and Art - IANDÊ Musical Group
14:00 - 17:30
GEDAE - Live
Reducing waste production in the south: how to convince and mobilize?
Mediator: Aline Hubert
09:00 - 09:10
Welcome to GEDAE participants
09:10 - 09:50
Topic: The challenges of waste reduction in developing and crisis countries
GAIA and freeing yourself from plastic
09:50 - 10:50
Exchange of experiences on mobilization around waste reduction.
Topic: How can humanitarian and development NGOs integrate waste prevention into their planning activities?
Samantha BRANGEON - Joint Initiative and Leila LECAPITAINE, West African Supply Chain Specialist at the Danish Refugee Council.
Topic: My restaurant “Zero Garbage” in Senegal: three labels to unite restaurant owners and raise awareness among local people about “Zero Waste”.
Farima TIDJANI Vice President responsible for International Relations of Zero Garbage Association in Senegal and Aisha CONTE, President of Zero Garbage Association Senegal
Topic: Zero Waste Collective of Tunisia
10:50 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
Round table: What coordination between actors for an efficient waste reduction strategy?
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:30
Sustainable action: Sustainable construction workshop (bamboo)
Fernanda Marques Lins- Rio de Janeiro- Brazil
THEMATIC AREA: Sustainability, Education and Social and Environmental Vulnerability: Challenges of the Pandemic
13:30 - 13:40
Cultural moment: Performance (Aradia Verde tudo Verde) - Body and musical art - Michele Tarja - Singer, Actress and Artisan - CE - Brazil.
13:40 - 14:45
Round Table: Socio-environmental vulnerability due to the weak recognition of the person-environment relationship.
Teacher. Dr. Hartmut Günther - University of Brasilia (UNB)
Teacher. Dr. Fátima Bernardo - University of Évora (Portugal)
Mediator: Zenith Delabrida - Federal University of Sergipe
14:45 - 15:15
Conference topic: Environmental education in times of pandemic: the case of Cuba.
Teacher. Dr. Amparo Osório Abad - Center for Environmental Education Studies - GEA- Havana-CUBA.
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Alba Regina Azevedo Arana- PPGMADRE- UNOESTE - SP – Brazil.
15:15 - 16:00
Round table: love, joy and art in an eco-relational perspective in the face of pandemic coloniality.
Teacher. Dr. Joao Batista Figueiredo - GEAD-Federal University of Ceará (UFC).
Ms. Fernando Antônio Fontenele Leão - Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB).
Ms. José Rinardo Alves Mesquita - Department of Education of Itapipoca (SEDUC).
THEMATIC AREA: Person-environment relationship and Sustainability (5)
16:55 - 17:40
Round table: The representation of the environment, the person-environment relationship and the belief in the flat earth.
Teacher. Dr. José Pinheiro - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN- Brazil
Teacher. Dr. Timothy Finan- University of Arizona - United States
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Karla Patrícia Ferreira
17:40 - 18:25
Gathering: sustainable urban solutions.
Teacher. Dr. Luana Viana Costa e Silva - UFC / Crateús - CE - Brazil
Topic: LETES: a sustainable look at sludge from wastewater treatment plants.
Master in Psychology - Letícia Keroly Bezerra Alexandrino - CE – Brazil
18:25 - 19:40
Conference topic: Sustainable solutions to minimize environmental impacts: the case of flooding in the city of Fortaleza - CE
Experience report: Poço da Draga Housing -
Mediator: Roberta Bonfim - Artevistas Place - CE - Brazil
Gathering: paths to well-being in times of pandemic.
Teacher. Teacher. Susana de Oliveira Santana- Federal University of Sergipe -UFS- SE- Brazil
Ana Cecília Moreira - “Sita Sand” - Singer and Composer - CE - Brazil.
Ruana Michela Santos Cardoso - Master's Student -Federal University of Sergipe -UFS- SE- Brazil
Mary Santos Campos - Therapist - CE - Brazil
Luana Mourão Dias Araújo - Psychologist - CE - Brazil
Mediator: Clevandira Mota - CE – Brazil
19:40 - 19:55
Farewell of the day: Laughter Yoga 2 - Karina Molina – “Recicleide” - Art and Education - RS - Brazil.
09/10/21 (SIXTH-FEIRA)
THEMATIC AREA: Management and management of urban solid waste in times of health crisis (1)
08:55 - 09:00
Cultural welcome: Musical-Michele Tarjra - Singer, Actress and artisan. CE - Brazil.
GEDAE - Live
Improve the recovery of plastic waste in developing countries for income-generating activities that respect the environment and health.
Mediator: Pascale Martel Naquin (CEFREPADE) and Bob Vrignaud (Plastic Odyssey)
09:00 - 09:15
Welcome to GEDAE participants
09:15 - 09:45
Conference: Assessment of plastic waste in developing countries: what processes, what forms of financing, what social and environmental impact?
Bob Vrgnaud - Plastic Odyssey
09:45 - 11:00
Lessons learned: About the 4-process economic model:
- Pellet production (with Proplast in Senegal).
- Production of pavements and bricks (with Madacompost in Madagascar, to be confirmed)
- Housing manufacturing (with Plastic Conceptos in Côte d'Ivoire).
- Production of hydrocarbons by pyrolysis (with German Jimenez in Costa Rica.
Questions and answers
11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:15
Round table: how to make these sectors economically viable, respecting the environment and human health?
11:50 - 12:00
Closing of GEDAE meetings
12:00 - 13:00
Thematic axis: Person-environment relationship and sustainability: the challenges of the pandemic (5)
13:00 - 13:15
CULTURAL MOMENT: Marta Aurélia Bezerra - music and performance, singer and composer - CE – Brazil
13:15 - 14:15
Round table: Climate change and behavioral change.
Teacher. Dr. Maria Inês Gasparetto Higuchi - Federal University of Amazonas - Brazil
Teacher. Dr. Claudia Marcia Lyra Pato - UNB - Brazil
Teacher. Dr. Rute Grossi Milani - UNICESUMAR - PR Brazil
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Zenith Delabrida- SE - Brazil
14:15 - 15:40
Round table: Education for sustainability
- Prof. Hernán Gustavo Cortés - Bogotá- National University of Colombia.
Gathering: Recycling in the Puerto Carreño Vichada community.
Oscar Julián Esteban Patiño - Bogotá - Colombia - Universidad del Rosario - Bogotá- Colombia
Conference: Direct from the habitat and the landscape, for intelligent communities: the case of the linear parks of Guayaquil Ecuador
Teacher. Dr. María Fernanda Viteri Palomeque - Universidad Ecuador- Ecuador
Gathering: Study and social appropriation of sustainable knowledge - National University of Colombia.
Doctoral student Verônica Gutiérrez - Colombo Association - French researcher - COLIFRI - Bogotá – Colombia
15:40 - 16:05
Acting sustainably:
Workshop: Biocentric Community Development - “Cirandando” Project. Cassia Regina Xavier de Andrade - CE Brazil
THEMATIC AREA: Assessment and Innovation in the waste sector
16:05 - 17:05
Conference: Impact of the pandemic on research on the valuation of plant biological waste.
Teacher. Dr. Lillian Barros - Mountain Research Center (CIMO) of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal. Highly cited researcher (Clarivate Analytics, 2016-2020).
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Rúbia Carvalho Gomes Corrêa - UNICESUMAR - Paraná Brazil
Acting sustainably:
Workshop: Reuse of waste in the art of percussion
Jofran Fonteles Borges - Seed of the arts - CE - Brazil
Round table: Management and assessment of agroindustrial waste
17:05 - 18:05
Round table: Management and assessment of agroindustrial waste
Teacher. Dr. Tatiana Emanuelli- UFSM- RS- Brazil
Teacher. Dr. Rosane Marina Peralta - UEM- PR- Brazil
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Isabele Picada Emanuelli - PPGTL- UNICESUMAR- PR - Brazil
Act sustainable
Workshop - Recycling of Dried Flowers and Natural Paints - Michele Tajra - CE- Brazil
SIMeA- PPGMADRE- Unoeste Brazil
Presentation: Waste Assessment and Innovation.
Teacher. Dr. Zlatina Genisheva - University of Minho - Portugal
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Maíra Rodrigues Uliana- PPGMADRE- Unoeste - SP - Brazil
18:35 - 19:05
SIMeA - PPGMADRE - Unoeste Brazil
Dr. Márcia R de Morais Chaves- Ameize Cosmetica Natura- SP- Brazil.
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Angela Mitie Otta Kinoshita - PPGMADRE - Unoeste - SP - Brazil.
19:05 - 20:05
Round table: Art and sustainability
Daniel Acosta - National University of Visual Arts of Buenos Aires - Argentina
Jofran Fonteles - Artist - Composer - CE- Brazil
Silvana Sarti Silva - SP - Brazil
Mediator: Clevandira Mota - CE - Brazil
20:05 Farewell to the day: Sarau Poético - Environment - Silvia Varela- CE- Brazil
09/11/21 (SATURDAY)
09:00 - 09:15
Cultural moment - Mantra Workshop - Ana Cecília Moreira - “Sita Sand” - Singer and Composer - “Mantra of the 4 elements” - CE – Brazil.
09:15 - 10:30
Gathering: sustainable living in communities
Portal Vida - Cássia Regina Xavier de Andrade - CE- Brazil
Bons Urban Gardens Group: Carla Nayra, Marly Pereira da Cunha, Joao Baptista Mendes de Souza (collector) - Bom Jardim - CE - Brazil
Serviluz Agroecológico - ECOS Laboratory and Titanzinho Residents Association - Luana Castelo Martins - CE - Brazil.
Mediator: Prof. Dr. Timothy Finan - University of Arizona - United States.
10:30 - 12:30
Oral presentation of accepted works
14:00 - 14:30
Acting sustainably:
Workshop: Complete use of foods in recipes: Ms. Queila Turchetto - PR – Brazil
14:30 - 15:30
Round table: The impact of the pandemic on the struggles of social movements and traditional communities: territoriality, sustainability and setbacks
Teacher. Dr. Wanderlan Santos Porto - Philosopher and professor at the Sergipe Federal Institute - Brazil
Ms. Eline Prado Santos Feitosa - Sergipe Brazil
Dr. Aline Ferreira da Silva - Sociologist and Professor at the Federal Institute of Sergipe - Brazil.
Mediator: Teacher Ruana Michela Cardoso - Sergipe – Brazil.
Farewell of the day: Musical presentation: Jane Melo - CE – Brazil.
12/09/21 (SUNDAY)
09:30 - 10:0
Office: Circus art- Circus school - CE - Brazil
10:00 - 11:5
Vintage Celebration: Cores Organizers / Artists / Speakers of the II CIAS.
Maria Eulaidia Araujo - CE - Brazil.
Valedictory lecture II CIAS:
Education for social and environmental justice and the protection of life.
Dr. A.S. Custodian Luis Silva de Almeida - Prof. Philosophy of the Federal University of Ceará - UFC - Brazil
Other guests.
Prospective and Participatory Actions of the II CIAS. (Activities to present on the day, according to II CIAS contributions).
11:50 - 12:0
Musical Farewell II CIAS 2021 - Jane Melo - CE - Brazil.
IFEE: The Institute of Entrepreneurship and Continuing Education (IFEE) is a permanent, private and non-profit civil society, established on September 4, 1999, with statutory regulations, headquarters and jurisdiction in the city of Fortaleza, capital of the State of Ceará.
The IFEE, from a systemic perspective and protection of life and the environment, seeks, through its research and actions, to integrate psychosocial, economic, environmental, cultural, educational and community aspects. In an inter- and transdisciplinary manner, it promotes possibilities for personal and collective development, strengthening the identity and autonomy of the people involved in its processes.
EMTRE - Recyclable Transformation Enterprises is a Project that aims at the inclusion and integration of people in situations of social vulnerability (Scavengers, women, Caps patients, etc.), aiming at psychosocial monitoring, citizenship, job generation and of income. It consists of a space for learning, action research and intervention in economic, social, cultural and environmental education.
EMTRE brings into its identity the collective construction of an experiential process giving meaning to human, personal and professional evolution in a progressive manner. The systemic vision of these processes allows us to open up so that everyone can always have a good experience, on condition that they do their part and unite and act collectively. Hence the image of the "ant" in its logo, as a symbol that we cannot do it alone, but each doing our part, we will be able to take care of our "Common Home" and life in all dimensions. .all welcome: “EntreNoEMTRE”.
General Organization
Maria Eulaidia de Araujo
IIFEE - Institute of Entrepreneurial Training and Continuing Education - LERHA - UNIFOR - CE - Brazil..
Organize Nuclei II CIAS
Management core
Maria Eulaidia de Araujo IFEE - Institut de Formation Entrepreneuriale et de Formation Continue - Brésil/France |
Pascale Martel Naquin CEFREPADE - France |
Eline Prado Santos Feitosa Université Fédérale de Sergipe - Brazil |
Wanderlan Santos Porto Institut Fédéral de Sergipe - Brazil
Assistance / Technical support
Technology, Information and Communication
Leonardo Lopes Camargo Espaço de Renascer Assessoria e Consultoria - CE - Brazil |
Isabela Machado de Moraes Université Cesumar - Unicesumar - PR - Brazil |
Scientific Core
Alba Regina Azevedo Arana Unoeste - Université de l'Ouest de São Paulo - Unoeste - SP - Brazil |
Adeildo Cabral da Silva IFCE - Coordinateur du Comité Scientifique - CE - Brazil |
Gisele Victor Batista Harpy Environnement - SC - Brazil |
Isabele Picada Emanuelli Université Cesumar - Unicesumar - PR - Brazil |
Karla Patricia Martins Ferreira Post-Doctorat en Psychologie - LERHA-UNIFOR - Brazil |
Márcia Aparecida Andreazzi Institut Fédéral de Sergipe - Brazil |
Cultural Art Center
Maria Clevandira Dias Mota Portal da Luz et Institut de Permaculture - CE - Brazil |
Ruana Michela Santos Cardoso Université Fédérale de Sergipe - SE - Brazil
Restoring and protecting ecosystems: what if it were a possible gateway to development, where waste, sanitation, deforestation only aggravate the precariousness in which millions of people around the world still live? In any case, this is what CEFREPADE has been modestly trying to demonstrate for around ten years, by supporting local actors in their fight to improve their living conditions.Know more...
The partners
Partners/Financial assistance